This is an old revision of the document!

PalEON members who have been invited to this wiki please click the login box on the top right to register an account at the wiki. To register you must provide your name, a user name (first initial, last name is preferred), your password and a valid email address.

Once you are registered you will be able to see more of the site, but will still have limited permissions. All new accounts must be validated by a PalEON administrator before you can edit pages, or get full access to the wiki. We are doing this so that your valuable data is not accessed without permission. We're going to try to get you up to full access as soon as possible once you register.

Welcome Page

Aims & Goals

PalEON has a lot of moving parts: many people, many projects. The goal of this wiki is to facilitate research coordination within PalEON. This wiki and its subpages are interactive documents that allow users to post progress updates for various projects, create links among projects, develop proposals within the PalEON domain, complete established projects, deposit and store finished products and access and update public data.

This wiki is open to PalEON participants and a login is required. The public PalEON website is located at:

PalEON News

A complete listing of PalEON activities and meetings can be seen here. This will gradually get filled in as the wiki develops.

  • ESA 2011: A lot of interest in PalEON demonstrated there. Jason's 8/9 Tuesday talk in the NEON symposium filled the room. The Wednesday night PalEON open meeting was well attended by the paleo-data community, and the discussion and response was favorable. The general mood was excitement and the feeling that this is the next step to take.

Upcoming Events

  • August 17, 2pm Eastern: Teleconference for Settlement Vegetation WG
  • October 11 - 12, 2011: PalEON Settlement Vegetation Workshop (Madison, WI): A meeting to connect modelers, statisticians and historical ecologists and to facilitate the use of the Public Lands Survey, Township Surveys and General Land Office surveys.
  • December, 2011: AGU session hosted by four of the PalEON PIs.
  • January, 2012: PalEON Modeling meeting (Chicago, Il): A by-invitation meeting to connect paleoclimatologists, historical ecologists and statisticians with vegetation/carbon modelers so that we can reach agreement on modeling standards.


Invalid Link
Jason McLachlan is the PalEON PI of the month!


This section is the repository for information about individual members of the PalEON project. Not only will this link to a brief biography, but it will also provide links to the projects, proposals, data and products that the individual is associated with. If you are a PalEON PI, Post-Doc or associate we welcome you to begin editing your own page in this section. The Administrators (Simon Goring and Bjorn Brooks) will also take care to ensure that the pages are kept up to date as much as possible.


This section is for currently active projects within PalEON Phase 1. It should include a brief introduction for the page/project and any living documents intended for publication or dissemination. These pages are also intended for discussion among members. Are there data needs that another section/project can fulfill? Are there synergies, conflicts? Check out the project page, the discussion pages and any linked documents.


This section is intended to be the site for great ideas you may have that could be accomplished in PalEON2.0, or with others outside the PalEON domain. For each new project you can link to personnel that may be interested in the proposal, projects that might feed into the proposal and data that might be useful. Use it as a sandbox for upcoming work, to brainstorm or to develop independent research.


This section will be filled once we get papers and other products out of the PalEON project. Please be sure to link back any papers published through PalEON, any PowerPoint presentations or posters you deliver, or any related academic documents so that we can maintain a repository for the project.

Public Data

Public Data is for anything that may be of use to the PalEON community that can be actively shared. Please respect data use agreements. We will establish a formal data use policy that will be posted in this section. Public data was the best 'P' word I could come up with. If you have any other suggestions I'd love to hear them.

Starting Out

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